Divine Light ^ of God! Angels Essences

Attunement/Empowermrnt is intended to connect a person more closely to their spiritual source and to open the flow of life current. - Get Rid Of Black Magic, curses, Evil Eyes, Bad Luck & Spells Permanently...! By clearing energetic pathways in the body as a means of allowing the divine light energy to flow freely, particularly to areas in need of healing.

Learn to discover yourself, the cheerful and wonderful person that your are.  We were all born to be love and live a happy life.

The Angel Essences Attunement creates a bridge between your life and that of the Angelic Realms, linking you into their web of light and higher consciousness. The Angels will work with you through their essence to help you bring the positive qualities that they embody deeper into your awareness, bringing transformation and higher awareness. Call on them for inspiration, illumination and guidance as you take these beautiful essences. 

After your donation, please email us for your Energy!